Spring 2021 – Digital Pinhole & Large Format Printing Interviews

Digital Pinhole Imaging & Large Format Printing

These are a selection of interviews of students in a new course designed as part of “Make STEAM Q” A Queens College CUNY HSI-STEM grant program funded by the NSF . These conversations focus on the design and fabrication of their pinhole cameras and their experience learning through making & design thinking . Professor Matt Greco created this course for the program and taught it as part of the Photography & Imaging BFA.

PHOTO 260 Digital Pinhole Imaging & Large Format Printing – Spring 2021

TA: Adam Nadel


Sean Lomba 

Mackenzie Taller 

Adva Moshen 

Martina Colova 

Ann Madera 

Kevin Gonzalez 

Ejun Kim 

Maggie Mcguire 


Queens College CUNY https://www.qc.cuny.edu/Pages/home.aspx

NSF Project https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1928565


Queens College Makerspace https://library.qc.cuny.edu/makerspace/

Queens College Photography & Imaging BFA http://art.qc.cuny.edu/photography-imaging-bfa/

New York Hall of Science https://nysci.org/

NSF https://www.nsf.gov/

HSI-STEM https://hsistemhub.org/

HSI-STEM QC https://hsistem.qc.cuny.edu/

Professor Greco https://www.professorgreco.com/